New Dark Age

‘New Dark Age’ is a Science Fiction book I’ve been working on since March 2019. It’s been through a number of rewrites until I felt I had a draft that was ready to share with agents. Although I didn’t get an agent, I did get some really useful feedback from a couple and from a number of friends who gave it a read through. I was planning to release it as an Indie Project (ie self-publish) on the basis that there is nothing to gain fron leaving something on the bedroom floor! Now though, armed with the feedback rather than rewrite the book, which is a sort of prequel and side-story to the original idea I had, I’ve decided to put the time in to write that - so watch out for me blathering “Dark Energy” sometime soon.

In the meantime, below is the blurb for the finished story. For anyone that I know (in real life) I’d be very happy to share a copy of it if you are interested. I sort of hope to go back to it as a published author one day….

The world two hundred years from now is not what we imagined.

We solved most the world’s greatest challenges. We achieved near-immortality. Well, for those that could afford it.

Then everything fell apart, and a new dark age began.

Everything digital failed on one fateful day without warning and without explanation. The end of the world was unspectacular. Everything that depended on that technology: power, production, transportation, communication, all ended in an instant. The elastic that held up civilisation’s underwear snapped and fell.

The ingredients for your family meal, lost to rot in transit. The new recipe you planned to try, lost forever. The power and light in the kitchen, gone. No means to contact anyone further away than you can shout.

A century later, scattered groups of people cling onto some of the old ways, while others work to invent new ones. Resources get ever scarcer and the world has become a fractured place of ignorance and danger.

People such as Karo and Trey still travel from place to place to trade. They carry knowledge and ideas with them. They risk and they hustle. Their latest trip to the Free Market is to negotiate a deal for enough energy to sustain their community for another year. It should have been routine, but it will set off a chain of events that make this new dark age darker still.

Empire_State_Human @guyshearer