Doom Wash

So this is an idea for a computer game. i cannot make it but I desperately hope someone on the internet makes this.

Take Doom. Old school original Doom. Play it. Leave level after level of carnage. Then just as the final screen fades you find yourself at the start of Level 1 again.

You have 99 water points and a scrubbing pad. As you wander the gore splattered level you can remove carbon and blood spatter. You can find a bucket and mop. Rubber gloves. Polyfilla and a trowel. Gradually you can restore the level, collecting water and other kinds of cleaning product as you go, because some stains are stubborn and need special items.

Once you have the level cleaned you have the option of going to the next level or triggering redecoration mode, where you can discover interior design products to make the level homely and sophisticated.

The follow product would be Doom Party. In this game we balance music choices, lighting and snacks as well as party games, and the Coloial Marines and Aliens arrive gradually and we must keep the atmosphere friendly and low key. Play well and you will have dancing and witty chatter, but get it wrong and the Chain Gun will come out. Meaning you’re back into Doom Wash….

You’re welcome.

Empire_State_Human @guyshearer